for noams server.R

# Things to run on the big computer.

# First, I want to re-run the results of figure 1 with
# 1 million time steps instead of 100,000 time steps

# load required packages:
# Noam, I don't know if your server has more cores, so register
# however many it has here.

#load the functions I have defined to run this puppy
source('R/lambda two stage.R')

# define all the variables
npatch = 2 # number of patches
n0 = c(1000,20,1000,20) # initial populations
fx = c(150,150) # fecundity vector
nstg=2 # of stages

# juvenile, and adult survivorships in different types of years
# a good year
good = c(.02,.7) 
# a bad year
bad = c(.002,.2)
# an average year
ok = c(.009,.6)
# a year when chytrid fungus wipes out the juvenile age class
chytrid = c(0.0001,0.5)
# bind the possible states together into a matrix
states = rbind(good, bad, ok, chytrid)
# probability of each state
P = matrix(c(.25,.25,.25,.25), 4, 4)
# dispersal values
p =  seq(0,1,by=0.05)
# predation values
pred = seq (0,1, by=.2)

# apply stochastic growth function over all predation levels
resultsStoch = ldply(pred, function(pred2){
  # calculate stochastic growth rates
  r.0 = foreach(i=1:21, .combine=c) %dopar% foo2(p=p[i], pred=pred2)

# Organize the output and save it                   
allresults = data.frame(t(rbind(resultsStoch, p)))
names(allresults) = c(pred,"p")
write.csv(allresults, file = "twostage_million.csv")

# get the dataframe into a format ggplot will like
allresults2 = melt(allresults, id.vars="p", "predation","lambda")
allresults2$rate = c(NA, 252)
allresults2$rate = rep(6:1, each=21)
allresults2$rate = ordered(allresults2$rate, levels=c(1:6) ,
                           labels = rev(c("100%", "80%", "60%", "40%", "20%", "0%")))

# calculate maximum growth rate
max1 = apply(allresults[1:6], 2,  max)
# minimum growth rate
min1 = as.numeric(allresults[1,1:6])
mxp1 = c(1:6)
for (i in 1:6) mxp1[i] = allresults[which(allresults[,(i)]==max1[i]),7]
summary1 = data.frame(mxp=mxp1, max=max1, rate=c("100%", "80%", "60%", "40%", "20%", "0%"))
write.csv(summary1, file="summary_million.csv")

# plot stochastic simulations
e4 = ggplot(data=allresults2, 
            aes(x=p, y=lambda))
e4 = e4+geom_line(aes(color=rate)) + labs(y="population growth rate (logλs)", x="proportion of each year's total juveniles \n dispersing to the high predation patch")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-.5, .25)) + geom_point(data=summary1, aes(x=mxp, y=max1, color=rate))
e4 = e4+ annotate("segment", x = mxp1[6], xend = mxp1[6], y = min1[1], yend = max1[6],
                  colour = "black", lty=3) +
  annotate("segment", x = 0, xend = 1, y = min1[1], yend = min1[1],
           colour = "black", lty=3)

svg(filename="stochastic.svg", width=6, height=4)

# Now we will run the simulations for spatial synchrony
# Re-run the model with varying degrees of spatial autocorrelation
# and 1 million time steps

pred = .5
ac = seq(0,1, by=.1) # vector of various degrees of autocorrelation

# Run the model for all dispersal rates whith different levels
# of autocorrellation when predation is at 50%
resultsSynch = ldply(ac, function(ac){
  # calculate stochastic growth rates
  r.0 = foreach(i=1:21, .combine=c) %dopar% foo3(p=p[i], ac=ac)

# organize the output
resultssynch1 = data.frame(t(rbind(p,  resultsSynch)))
write.csv(resultssynch1, file = "resultssynch1.csv")
names(resultssynch1) = c("p", ac)

resultssynch2 = melt(resultssynch1, id.vars= c("p"))
resultssynch2$rate = rep(NA, 231)
resultssynch2$rate = as.factor(rep(seq(0,1, by=.1), each=21))

# plot  growth rates
s = ggplot(data=resultssynch2[c(1:21, 43:63, 106:126, 169:189, 211:231),], 
           aes(x=p, y=value, color=rate))
s = s+
  geom_line() + labs(y="log lambda", x="proportion of juveniles \n dispersing to the high predation patch")+
  ggtitle("stochastic growth rates with \n spatial synchrony") +scale_color_discrete(name="degree of \n autocorrellation")


svg(filename="autocorrellation.svg", width=6, height=4)

# Now the results going into figure 3 with the different survival rates

# we got some extinctions with a predation of 50%, so we'l use that for this analysis
pred= .5
# matrix of different survival scenarios
survJ = c(.8, .9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 3, 5, 10)
surv = matrix(c( survJ, 1/survJ), ncol=2)
# calculate stochastic lambdas for all changes in survival rate
survmat = foreach (i=1:12, combine=cbind) %dopar% {
  states1 <- cbind(states[,1]*surv[i,1], states[,2]*surv[i,2])
  r =  ldply(p, foo21,states1=states1)

# organize the data and save it as an csv
survmat2 =
names(survmat2) = surv[,1]
survmat2$p = p
write.csv(survmat2, file="survmat million.csv")

# find the proportion of juveniles moving that maximizes the growth rate with changes in larval survival
maxlam = apply(survmat2[,1:12], 2, max)
minlam = as.numeric(survmat2[1,1:12])
maxs = survmat2[1:12,]
for (i in 1:12) maxs[i,] = survmat2[which(survmat2[,i]==maxlam[i]),]

# data frame for summary statistics with changes in survival of each life stage
summary = data.frame(levels = surv[,1]/(surv[,1]+surv[,2]), maxs=maxlam, p = maxs$p, ldiff=(maxlam-minlam))
write.csv(summary, file = "summary survivals million.csv")

# predation only effects the adults instead of teh juveniles.

source('R/opposite day functions.R')
# Calculate growth-dispersal curves for various changes in adult/juv survival tradeoff
survAds = foreach (i=1:12, combine=cbind) %dopar% {
  states1 <- cbind(states[,1]*surv[i,1], states[,2]*surv[i,2])
  r =  ldply(p, fooAds, states1=states1, pred=.5)

# organize it
survads2 =
names(survads2) = surv[,1]
survads2$p = p

# calculate maximum lambdas and value of hedging
maxlamads = apply(survads2[,1:12], 2, max)
minlamads = as.numeric(survads2[1,1:12])
maxsads = (survads2[1:12,])
for (i in 1:12) maxsads[i,] = survads2[which(survads2[,i]==maxlamads[i]),]

summaryads = data.frame(levels = surv[,1]/(surv[,1]+surv[,2]), maxs=maxlamads, p = maxs$p, ldiff=(maxlamads-minlamads))

write.csv(summaryads, file = "summary survivalsads million.csv")

# Now lets have predation effect the juveniles but have the adults be
# the migratory life stage.

source('R/opposite day2 functions.R')

# growth curves with different changes in survival
survopp = foreach (i=1:12, combine=cbind) %dopar% {
  states1 <- cbind(states[,1]*surv[i,1], states[,2]*surv[i,2])
  r =  ldply(p, fooopp, states1=states1, pred=.5)

# Organize everything
survopp2 =
names(survopp2) = surv[,1]
survopp2$p = p
survopp2.1 = melt(survopp2, id.vars = "p")
survopp2.1$levels = rep(surv[,1], each=21)

# calculate maxes and mins
maxlamopp = apply(survopp2[,1:12], 2, max)
minlamopp = as.numeric(survopp2[1,1:12])
maxsopp = survopp2[1:12,]
for (i in 1:12) maxsopp[i,] = survopp2[which(survopp2[,i]==maxlamopp[i]),]

summaryopp = data.frame(levels = surv[,1]/(surv[,1]+surv[,2]), maxs=maxlamopp, p = maxsopp$p, ldiff=(maxlamopp-minlamopp))
write.csv(summaryopp, file = "summary survivalsopp million.csv")

# Now lets have predation effect the adults AND have the adults be
# the migratory life stage.

source('R/opposite day3 functions.R')

survO = foreach (i=1:12, combine=cbind) %dopar% {
  states1 <- cbind(states[,1]*surv[i,1], states[,2]*surv[i,2])
  r =  ldply(p, fooopp3, states1=states1, pred=.5)

survO2 =
names(survO2) = surv[,1]
survO2$p = p

maxlamO = apply(survO2[,1:12], 2, max)
minlamO = as.numeric(survO2[1,1:12])
maxsO = survO2[1:12,]
for (i in 1:12) maxsO[i,] = survO2[which(survO2[,i]==maxlamO[i]),]

summaryO = data.frame(levels = surv[,1]/(surv[,1]+surv[,2]), maxs=maxlamO, p = maxsO$p, ldiff=(maxlamO-minlamO))
write.csv(summaryO, file = "summary survivalsO million.csv")

# Add the data from the different scenarios together and plot them
summary$scenario = rep("1", nrow(summary))
summaryads$scenario = rep("2",nrow(summaryads))
summaryopp$scenario = rep("3", nrow(summaryopp))
summaryO$scenario = rep("4", nrow(summaryO))
summarytotal = rbind(summary, summaryads, summaryopp, summaryO)
summarytotal$scenario = as.factor(summarytotal$scenario)

lamdifftot = qplot(levels, ldiff, data = summarytotal, geom="line", color=scenario, xlab="proportional investment in juveniles", ylab= "δlogλ_sMAX")
lamdifftot + scale_color_manual( values=c("red","blue","green","black"), labels = c("juvenile dispersal, \n predation on juveniles", "juvenile dispersal, \n predation on adults", "adult dispersal, \n predation on juveniles", "adult dispersal, \n predtion on adults"))

# save the resulting plot
svg(filename="lamdiff_total.svg", width=8, height=4)
lamdifftot + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, .35))
rosehartman/frog-trap documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:31 p.m.